Helping you navigate your life as a single gal in this crazy world...

We live in a crazy world that both demands our attention and distracts us from the things that really matter. As a Christian woman YOU get to determine how to tend to your life WITH God and walk out your destiny including your relationships, health and home.

So in this space, you will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to walk more fully alive in ALL of these areas.

Are you looking for encouragement during your season of singleness?

Then sign up below & I will send you a week's worth of encouraging texts to brighten your day and embolden your spirit using Power Statements and Scripture to fill your heart with HOPE! God's got you and you can stand confident in who you are in any season of life. We all just need reminders sometimes!

 Stewarding All the Areas of Life

As women in today's world, we have so much to steward - even when we are single!

We are trying to steward our relationship with God, our friends, our health, our homes, our jobs & finances, all while navigating our hearts & emotions. It can be overwhelming right?

Along with writing a book encouraging you in the area of waiting & trusting God in your singleness, I am super passionate about helping you find the easy button to stewarding your health & home with non-toxic products.

So click below to find out the secret to ditching the toxins & switching to all-natural products!

Want to know how to embrace your season of singleness and actually grow with God through it?

Then grab my #1 new release in Christian Dating & Relationships: Waiting with God: Experiencing the Beauty of Singleness.


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